nea-1250 |
2D-SEEP - 3D-SEEP, 2-3-D Ground Water Flow in Permeable Geologic Media |
nea-1732 |
3D-TRANS-2003, Workshop on Common Tools and Interfaces for Radiation Transport Codes |
psr-0248 |
ABAREX, Optical Statistical Model Neutron Cross-Sections Using ABACUS and NEARREX |
nea-1839 |
ACAB-2008, ACtivation ABacus Code |
nea-0976 |
ACCULIB, Program Library of Mathematical Routines |
nea-1072 |
ACFA, Isotope Activation of Coolant and Structure Materials |
iaea0960 |
ACTIV-JINR, Experimental Gamma Spectra Unfolding |
nea-1708 |
ADEFTA 4.1, Atomic Densities for Transport Analysis |
ccc-0831 |
ADVANTG 3.0.3, AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator |
ccc-0854 |
ADVANTG 3.2.1, AutomateD VAriaNce reducTion Generator without ORNL-TN |
nea-1913 |
AEROSOL-SCIENCE, Aerosol Science: Theory and Practice with Special Applications to the Nuclear Industry |
nea-0001 |
AIREK-MOD, Time Dependent Reactor Kinetics with Feedback Differential Equation |
iaea1274 |
AIREKMOD-RR, Reactivity Transients in Nuclear Research Reactors |
nea-1130 |
AIRGAMMA, External Gamma-Ray Exposure from Radioactive Cloud |
nesc0326 |
AIROS-2A, Space-Independent Reactor Kinetics and Space-Dependent Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer |
iaea1432 |
AL-SHIELDER, calculates shielding thickness of aluminum for any photon emitting radionuclide between 0.5 to 10 MeV |
uscd1238 |
ALICE2011, Particle Spectra from HMS precompound Nucleus Decay |
ccc-0612 |
ALPHN, (Alpha, N) Neutron Production in High-Level Waste Canisters |
nea-0403 |
AMARA, Correlation of Nuclear Data to Integral Experiment by Lagrange Multipliers |
iaea1251 |
AMICO, Cross-Sections Data for ANISN, DOT from WIMS Library |
ccc-0793 |
AMP, Advanced Multi-Physics |
psr-0315 |
AMPX-77, Modular System for Coupled Neutron-Gamma MultiGroup Cross-Sections from ENDF/B-5 |
uscd0795 |
AMRAW, Risk Assessment Method for Radioactive Waste Management |
nea-1235 |
AND, Atomic Number Densities for Criticality Calculation |
nea-1798 |
ANGELO-LAMBDA, Covariance matrix interpolation and mathematical verification |
ccc-0082 |
ANISN-E, 1-D Transport Program ANISN with Exponential Model |
nea-0363 |
ANISN-FONTENAY, 1-D Planar, Spherical, Cylindrical Neutron Transport and Gamma Transport with Deep Penetration |
ccc-0254 |
ANISN-ORNL, 1-D Neutron Transport & Gamma Transport in Slab, Cylindrical, Spherical Geometry with Anisotropic Scattering |
ccc-0255 |
ANISN-W, 1-D Transport Calculation for Deep Penetration Problems |
ccc-0514 |
ANISN/PC, MultiGroup 1-D Discrete Ordinates Transport with Anisotropic Scattering |
nea-1638 |
ANITA-IEAF, Isotope Inventories from Intermediate Energy Neutron Irradiation for Fusion Applications |
nea-1657 |
ANL-BPB, Argonne National Laboratory Code Center Benchmark Problem Book |
ests1169 |
ARCON96, Radioactive Plume Concentration in Reactor Control Rooms |
nea-1581 |
ART MOD2, Fission Product Migration in Primary System and Containment |
ccc-0417 |
AT123D, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D Transient Waste Transport Simulation in Groundwater |
ccc-0179 |
ATR, Radiation Transport Models in Atmosphere at Various Altitudes |
nea-0949 |
BERMUDA, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D Neutron and Gamma Transport for Shielding |
ccc-0657 |
BETA-S 6, Multi-Group Beta-Ray Spectra |
nea-0683 |
BLOK, Turbulent Flow in Pipes and Channels with Rectangular Obstruction |
ccc-0459 |
BOLD/VENTURE-4, Reactor Analysis System with Sensitivity and Burnup |
nea-1678 |
BOT3P5.4, 3D Mesh Generator and Graphical Display of Geometry for Radiation Transport Codes, Display of Results |
nea-0866 |
nea-1727 |
BULK-I, Radiation Shielding Tool for Proton Accelerator Facilities |
nea-1819 |
BURD, Bayesian estimation in data analysis of Probabilistic Safety Assessment |
nea-0114 |
BURST, Time-Dependent Pressure and Coolant Flow after Circuit Fracture in HTGR |
nea-0558 |
BUST, Elastic Stress in HTGR Pressurized Fuel Elements |
nesc1080 |
BWR-GALE, Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Waste Release from BWR |
nea-1313 |
BWRDYN, Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of a BWR Plant |
iaea1403 |
C-SHIELDER, Gamma shielding calculations of radionuclides emitting photons 0.5 to 10 MeV by different concretes |
nea-1278 |
CALENDF-2010, Pointwise, Multigroup Neutron Cross-Sections and Probability Tables from ENDF/B Evaluations |
ccc-0594 |
CALKUX, Exposure Transmission of Medical X-Ray Beams Through Barrier Materials |
ccc-0542 |
CAP-88, Dose Risk Assessment from Air Emissions of Radionuclides |
nea-1327 |
CAPCAL V1.3, 3-D Capacitance Calculator for VLSI Purposes |
psr-0388 |
CARES, Seismic Structure Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants |
nea-1735 |
CARL 2.3, radiotoxicity, activity, dose and decay power calculations for spent fuel |
psr-0262 |
CASKCODES, Program CAPSIZE Scope KWIKDOSE for Shipping Cask Shielding |
nea-1195 |
CASKET, Thermal and Structural Analyses for Transport and Storage Cask |
ests1071 |
CECP(BWR) CECP(PWR), Decommissioning Costs for PWR and BWR |
nea-0553 |
CEDRAZAL, Steady-State Heat Transfer in HTR with Multifuel Region |
psr-0532 |
CEM03.03, Monte-Carlo Code system to calculate nuclear reactions in the framework of the improved cascade-exciton model |
iaea1247 |
CEM95, Cascade Exciton Model Nuclear Reactions by Monte-Carlo Method |
ccc-0544 |
CEPXS ONELD, 1-D Coupled Electron Photon MultiGroup System |
ccc-0837 |
CEPXS, Coupled Electron-Photon Cross Section |
ests0663 |
CFDLIB, Computational Fluid Dynamics Library |
ccc-0604 |
CHAINS-PC, Decay Chain Atomic Densities |
uscd1208 |
CHECKR-8.05, ENDF/B Format Check |
nea-1561 |
CHEMENGL/CHIMISTE, Chemical and Physical Properties of Elements |
uscd1021 |
CHUCK-3, Nuclear Scattering Amplitude and Collision Cross-Sections by Coupled Channel |
ccc-0755 |
CINDER 1.05, Actinide Transmutation Calculations Code |
nesc0313 |
CINDER, Depletion and Decay Chain Calculation for Fission Products in Thermal Reactors |
nesc0387 |
CITATION, 3-D MultiGroup Diffusion with 1st Order Perturbation and Criticality Search |
ccc-0643 |
CITATION-LDI2, 2-D MultiGroup Diffusion, Perturbation, Criticality Search, for PC |
iaea1385 |
CITOPP-CITMOD-CITWI, Processing codes for CITATION Code |
iaea0883 |
CLUB, Cell Calculation PF Candu PWR Fuel Clusters |
ccc-0726 |
CNCSN 2009, One, Two- and Three-Dimensional Coupled Neutral and Charged Particle Sn Parallel Multi-Threaded Code System |
nesc9911 |
CNVUFAC GRAY, Black-Body Radiation View Factors with Self-Shadowing |
nesc0873 |
COAST-4, Design and Cost of Tokamak Fusion Reactors |
nesc9978 |
COBRA-3C/RERTR, Thermohydraulic Low Pressure Subchannel Transients Analysis |
nesc0432 |
COBRA-4I, Transient Thermohydraulics Fuel Elements Clusters, Subchannel Analysis Method |
nea-1614 |
COBRA-EN, Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis of Reactor Cores |
psr-0614 |
COBRA-SFS 6.0, Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Multi-Assembly Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Systems |
ests0135 |
COBRA-SFS CYCLE3, Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Spent Fuel Casks |
nesc1091 |
COBRA-SFS, Thermal Hydraulics of Spent Fuel Storage System |
ccc-0829 |
COG11.1, Multiparticle Monte Carlo Code System for Shielding and Criticality Use |
nea-0915 |
COGEND, Decay Data Generated in ENDF-6 Format |
psr-0607 |
COGLIBMAKER2014, Data Conversion Utility |
psr-0286 |
COMBINE-PC, MultiGroup Neutron Cross-Sections in B1 or B3 Approximation from ENDF/B-5 |
nesc0776 |
COMPARE-MOD1A, 2 Phase Flow Thermodynamics, Pressure in LWR Containment |
ests0023 |
COMPBRN3, Modelling of Nuclear Power Plant Compartment Fires |
nesc0498 |
CONCEPT-5, Cost and Economics Analysis for Nuclear Fuel or Fossil Fuel Power Plant |
ccc-0416 |
CONDOS-II, Radiation Dose from Consumer Product Distribution Chain |
nesc0818 |
CONTEMPT-4/MOD5&6, LWR Containment Long-Term Pressure Distribution and Temperature Distribution in LOCA |
nesc0433 |
CONTEMPT-LT/028B & H, LWR Containment Pressure and Temperature Distribution in LOCA |
nea-1305 |
COOLOD, Steady-State Thermal Hydraulics of Research Reactors |
iaea1226 |
CORD-2, PWR Core Design and Fuel Management |
nesc0758 |
COREL DAMG2 RASE4, Ion Implantation in Solids, Range, Straggling Using Thomas-Fermi Cross-Sections |
nea-1375 |
COSIMA, BWR Core Performance Simulator |
nea-0425 |
COSTANZA-XE, 2-D Pebble-Bed or Prismatic Fuel Elements HTR Dynamic in Cylindrical Geometry |
nea-1734 |
CRISSUE-S, Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics Coupling in LWR Technology |
nea-1903 |
CRISTAL V2.0.3, Criticality calculation package |
iaea0873 |
CRITIC, In-Core Fuel Management for CANDU PWR |
nea-1681 |
CRITICALITYACCIDENTS, A Review of Criticality Accidents, 2000 Revision, LA-13638 in PDF format |
ccc-0233 |
CRYSTAL-BALL, Neutron Spectra Calculation from Activation Experiment with Error Estimate |
nea-1892 |
CUMYIELD.MT, cumulative yields calculations of radioactive decay isotopes considering decay chain |
nea-1535 |
D2O, Computation of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Heavy Water |
nea-1516 |
DANCOFF-MC, Dancoff Correlation for Arbitrary Lattices by Monte-Carlo |
nea-0694 |
DANTE, Activation Analysis Neutron Spectra Unfolding by Covariance Matrix Method |
ccc-0547 |
DANTSYS3.0, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D MultiGroup Discrete Ordinate Method Transport |
nea-1885 |
DART-V.1, displacement per atom, primary knocked-on atoms produced in an atomic solid target |
nesc9918 |
DASSL, Solution of Differential Algebraic Equation |
nesc9493 |
DATING, Temperature for Spent Fuel Dry Storage |
ccc-0640 |
DCHAIN, Isotope Buildup and Isotope Decay by 1 Point Approximation |
nea-1603 |
DCHAIN-SP 2001, Code System for Analyzing Decay and Build-up Characteristics of Spallation Products |
ests0848 |
DDASAC, Double-Precision Differential or Algebraic Sensitivity Analysis |
nea-1893 |
DECAYHEAT.MT, decay heat calculations from radioactive isotopes |
nesc9681 |
DEM4-26, Least Square Fit for IBM PC by Deming Method |
nea-1887 |
DESAE, develop prospective nuclear energy scenarios in a regional and global scale |
ccc-0649 |
DIF3D 8.0/VARIANT8.0, 2-D 3-D Multigroup Diffusion/Transport Theory Nodal & Finite Difference Solver, Variational Method |
ccc-0784 |
DIF3D10.0, Variational Nodal Methods, Finite Difference Methods to Solve N diffusion & Transport Theory Problems |
iaea1269 |
DIFBAS, Spectra Unfolding of Ne213 P Recoil Detectors |
nesc9639 |
DIGLIB/PC, General Graphics Subroutine Package for Different Computers |
ccc-0454 |
DISPERS, Radioactive Release into Surface Water and Ground Water |
nesc0847 |
DISPL-1, 2nd Order Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation System Solution for Kinetics Diffusion Problems |
nesc9532 |
DISPOSAL_SITE, Low-Level Radioactive Waste Storage Cost Analysis |
nea-0391 |
DLS, 2-D Diffusion with Line-of-Sight Method for Cavities |
ccc-0650 |
DOORS3.2A, 1-,2-,3-dimensional discrete-ordinates system for deep-penetration neutron and photon transport |
psr-0110 |
DOQDP, Discrete Ordinate Quadrature Generator for Programs DOT and ANISN |
ccc-0532 |
DORT-PC, 2-D Discrete Ordinates Transport System |
nea-1711 |
DORTDAT2, Input-Making Support System for a Two-Dimensional SN Code, DORT |
ccc-0624 |
DOSE-SGTR, Iodine Release During Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) in PWR |
ccc-0276 |
DOT-3.5, 2-D Neutron Transport, Gamma Transport Program DOT with New Space-Scaling |
ccc-0320 |
DOT-4.2, 2-D Neutron Transport, Gamma Transport with Space Dependent Mesh and Quadrature |
uscd1234 |
DRAGON 3.05D, Reactor Cell Calculation System with Burnup |
uscd1237 |
DRAGON2PARTISN, Cross-Sections Data Generation for PARTISN4.0 |
nesc0784 |
DSNP, Program and Data Library System for Dynamic Simulation of Nuclear Power Plant |
nea-0322 |
DTF4-J, 1-D Neutron Transport with Anisotropic Scattering by Sn Method |
nea-1671 |
DUCT-III, Design Code for Duct-Streaming Radiations |
ccc-0634 |
DUST-BNL, Radioactive Waste Transport from Container Leaks into Ground Water |
nea-1209 |
DWBA07/DWBB07, elastic scattering with nucleon-nucleon potential and DWBA for inelastic scattering |
nesc9872 |
DWUCK-4 DWUCK-5, Scattering Cross-Sections of Spin 0 and 1/2 and 1 Particles by DWBA |
nea-1411 |
DYN3D/M2, Reactivity Transients in Light H2O Reactors with Hexagonal Geometry |
nea-0217 |
DYNAPS, Vibration Analysis of Piping System in Earthquake |
ests1300 |
E3D, 3-D Elastic Seismic Wave Propagation Code |
nea-1875 |
EACRP-D2O-LATTICES, Compilation of reactor physics measurements in HWRs lattices |
ccc-0744 |
EASYQAD 2.0.1, Visualization for Gamma and Neutron Shielding Calculations |
nea-0850 |
ECIS-12, Coupled Channel, Statistical Model, Schroedinger and Dirac Equation, Dispersion Relation |
psr-0191 |
EDISTR, Nuclear Data Base Generator for Internal Radiation Dosimetry Calculation |
nea-0969 |
EDMULT-6.4, Electron Depth Dose Distribution in Multilayer Slab Absorbers |
psr-0531 |
EEDB, The Energy Economic Data Base |
ccc-0331 |
EGS4, Electron Photon Shower Simulation by Monte-Carlo |
nesc0983 |
EGUN, Charged Particle Trajectories in Electromagnetic Focusing System |
nea-1200 |
ELEORBIT, 3-D Simulation of Electron Orbits in Magnetic Multipole Plasma Source |
iaea1169 |
EMPIRE-II 2.18, Comprehensive Nuclear Model Code, Nucleons, Ions Induced Cross-Sections |
uscd1235 |
ENDF-UTILITY-CODES, codes to check and standardize data in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File (ENDF) |
nea-1895 |
ENDSAM, a code for random sampling and validation of covariance data of resonance parameters in ENDF-6 format |
iaea1402 |
ENDVER/GUI, The ENDF File Verification Support Package |
uscd1149 |
ENSDF PROCESSING CODES, Analysis and Utility Programs |
nea-1686 |
ENTREE 1.4.0, BWR Core Simulation System for Space and Time Dependent Coupled Phenomena |
iaea1285 |
EPICSHOW-98.1, Interactive Viewing of EPIC (Electron Photon Interaction Code) Data Library |
nesc0886 |
EQ3/6, Thermodynamics Equilibrium for Aqueous Solution Mineral System |
iaea1202 |
EQUIVA, Few-Group Diffusion Parameter for PWR Reflector Region by 1-D Transport Calculation |
nea-1683 |
ERANOS 2.3N, Modular code and data system for fast reactor neutronics analyses |
nea-1676 |
ERRORJ-2.3, Multigroup covariance matrices generation from ENDF-6 format |
iaea1282 |
ESTAR PSTAR ASTAR, Stopping Power and Range of Electrons, Protons, Alpha |
nea-0892 |
ESTIMA, Neutron Width Level Spacing, Neutron Strength Function of S- Wave, P-Wave Resonances |
ccc-0107 |
ETRAN, Electron Transport and Gamma Transport with Secondary Radiation in Slab by Monte-Carlo |
nea-1094 |
EURDYN, Nonlinear Transient Analysis of Structure with Dynamic Loads |
psr-0010 |
EVAP-4, Particle Evaporation from Excited Nuclei |
nesc9952 |
EVENT, Explosive Transients in Flow Networks |
nea-0228 |
EXCURS-3, Reactor Kinetics and Heat Transfer in Cylindrical Channel During Accident |
iaea1273 |
EXCURS-3-RR, Kinetics of Research Reactor Reactivity Transient Analysis |
iaea1211 |
EXIFON2.0, Neutron, Alpha, Proton, Gamma Emission Spectra |
nesc0156 |
EXTERMINATOR-2, 2-D MultiGroup Neutron Diffusion in X-Y R-Z or R-Theta Geometry |
nesc9578 |
FACET, Radiation View Factor with Shadowing |
ests0063 |
FAMREC, PWR Lateral Mechanical Fuel Rod Assembly Response |
nea-0617 |
FAPMAN-IC, LWR Fuel Cost Analysis with Program ORSIM Interface |
nesc1095 |
FASTGRASS, Gaseous Fission Products Release in UO2 Fuel |
iaea1438 |
FE-SHIELDER, shielding thickness of Iron for any photon emitting radionuclide between 0.5 and 10 MeV |
nea-0443 |
FEM-2D, 2-D MultiGroup Diffusion in X-Y Geometry |
nea-0545 |
FEM-BABEL, 3-D MultiGroup Neutron Diffusion by Galerkin Method |
nea-1080 |
FEMAXI-6, Thermal and Mechanical Behaviour of LWR Fuel Rods |
ccc-0451 |
FEMWASTE FEMWATER, Finite Elements Method Waste Transport Through Porous Media |
nesc1144 |
FEMWATER BLT, Water or Waste Transport in Soil |
psr-0102 |
FERDO/FERD, Unfolding of Pulse-Height Spectrometer Spectra |
nesc9844 |
FFSM, Long-Term Nuclear Waste Repository Site Simulation by Monte-Carlo |
nea-1692 |
FFT-BM, Code Accuracy Evaluations with the 1D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Methodology |
nea-1934 |
FIFRELIN-1.7, generation of fission fragments and simulate their de-excitation to estimate prompt fission observables |
nea-0896 |
FINELM, MultiGroup Diffusion in 3-D by Finite Elements Method |
nea-1901 |
FINIX 1.19.12, thermal and mechanical behaviour of a nuclear fuel rod during steady-state and transient conditions |
nea-1916 |
FINPSA TRAINING -R-, a PSA model in consisting of event trees, fault trees, and cut sets |
nesc1092 |
FIRAC, Nuclear Power Plant Fire Accident Model |
dlc-0125 |
FIREDATA, Nuclear Power Plant Fire Database |
nea-0897 |
FISP-6, Fission Products Inventory and Energy Release in Irradiated Fuel |
nea-1890 |
FISPACT-II 5.X, Inventory Simulation Platform for Nuclear Observables and Materials Science |
nea-0706 |
FISPIN, Isotope Buildup and Isotope Decay for Actinides, Fission Products, Structure Materials |
uscd1209 |
FIZCON-8.03, ENDF/B Cross-Sections Redundancy Check |
nea-1833 |
FLUKA2011.2X.4, Monte Carlo general purpose tool for calculations of particle transport and interactions with matter |
psr-0196 |
FLYSPEC, Neutron Spectra Unfolding from Ne213 and Stilbene Scintillation Detectors |
nea-0669 |
FONTA, Radiation Release in Atmosphere and Deposition in Human Organs |
psr-0092 |
FORIST, Ne-213 Scintillation Detector Neutron Spectra Unfolding |
iaea1388 |
FOTELP-2018, Photons, Electrons and Positrons Transport in 3D by Monte Carlo Techniques |
nesc9915 |
FRAMIS, Relational Data Base Management System |
psr-0363 |
FRANCO, Finite Element Method (FEM) Fuel Rod Analysis for Solid and Annular Configurations |
nesc0658 |
FRAP-T6/MOD1, Temperature and Pressure in Oxide Fuel During LWR LOCA |
nesc0694 |
FRAPCON2 & V1M4, Steady-State LWR Oxide Fuel Elements Behaviour, Fission Products Gas Release, Error Analysis |
nea-1907 |
FRENDY V2, Nuclear Data Processing System for Evaluated Nuclear Data File |
nesc0301 |
FREVAP-6, Metal Fission Products Release from HTGR Fuel Elements |
nea-1846 |
FSKY4C, Gamma Ray Skyshine Analysis Code |
nesc9659 |
FTAP, Minimal Cut Sets of Arbitrary Fault Trees |
nesc9860 |
FTRANS, Radionuclide Flow in Groundwater and Fractured Rock |
nea-1812 |
FUELPERFORMANCE-REP, Seminars on nuclear fuel performance based on basic underlining phenomena, proceedings |
nesc0862 |
FX2-TH, 2-D MultiGroup Neutron Diffusion in X-Y, R-Z and R-Theta Geometry with Thermal Feedback |
psr-0610 |
GADRAS-DRF-18.8.13, Gamma Detector Response and Analysis Software-Detector Response Function |
nesc0310 |
GAKIN-2, 1-D MultiGroup Time-Dependent Neutron Diffusion, Finite Difference Method |
nesc9654 |
GAMANAL, Radioactive Species Mixtures by Gamma Spectra Analysis |
nea-1827 |
GANAPOL-ABNTT, Analytical Benchmarks for Nuclear Engineering Applications, Case Studies in Neutron Transport Theory |
nesc0618 |
GAPCON-THERMAL-2 & GT2R2-1, Steady-State Fuel Rod Thermal Behaviour and Fission Products Gas Release |
nesc0770 |
GAPCON-THERMAL3, Fuel Rod Steady-State and Transient Thermal Behaviour, Stress Analysis |
nea-1601 |
GARDEC, Estimation of dose-rates reduction by garden decontamination |
nesc0263 |
GASKET-2, Thermal Neutron Scattering Law for Moderators, Harmonic Vibrations and Gaseous |
ccc-0463 |
GASPAR-II, Radiation Exposure to Man from Air Releases of Reactor Effluents |
nesc0380 |
GATT, 3-D Few-Group Neutron Diffusion for Power Distribution in Hexagonal Reactor Core for HTGR |
nesc0622 |
GAUSS-6, Experimental Gamma Spectra Analysis, Isotope Identification, Decay Rates |
nea-1864 |
GEF 2021/1.1, Code for Simulation of Nuclear Fission Process |
nea-1652 |
GEM, Monte-Carlo Code for Simulating a Decaying Process of an Excited Nucleus |
nesc0576 |
GEM-NESC, Fuel Cycle Cost and Economics for Thermal Reactor, Present Worth Analysis |
ccc-0737 |
GENII 2.10, Environmental Radiation Dosimetry System |
ccc-0601 |
GENII-LIN, Multipurpose Health Physics Code |
uscd1210 |
GETMAT-6.13, ENDF/B Material Retrieval |
psr-0229 |
GIP, Group Organized Cross-Sections Library for ANISN, DOT |
psr-0125 |
GNASH-FKK, Preequilibrium, Statistical Model Cross-Sections and Emission Spectra |
iaea1271 |
GNOMER, Core Power Distribution by 1-D, 2-D, 3-D MultiGroup Neutron Diffusion |
uscd1211 |
GRALIB-6.11, DISSPLA Plot Routines Emulator |
psr-0231 |
GRESS-3.0, FORTRAN Precompiler with Differentiation Enhancement |
ccc-0774 |
GRSAC, Graphite Reactor Severe Accident Code |
nea-1917 |
GRSIS, program to predict fission gas release and swelling behavior in U-Pu-Zr metallic fast reactor fuel |
ccc-0721 |
GRTUNCL3D, Code to Calculate Semi Analytic First Collision Source and Uncollided Flux (X, Y, Z) |
nea-1899 |
GRUCON-D-2017-01, Data Processing for Evaluated Working libraries (transport and shielding) |
nea-1820 |
GTSP, automatic ultrasonic inspection of Guide Tube Support
Pin in nuclear power plants |
ccc-0697 |
GUI2QAD, Graphical Interface for QAD-CGPIC, Point Kernel for Shielding Calculations |
nea-0682 |
H2OTP, Temperature Dependent and Pressure Dependent Thermodynamics Properties, Transport Properties of H2O |
nesc0797 |
HAARM-S, Time-Dependent Diffusion and Deposition of Radioactive Aerosols, LMFBR Accidents |
ccc-0665 |
HABIT 1.1, Toxic and radioactive release hazards in reactor control room |
ests1100 |
HABIT, Toxic and Radioactive Release Hazards in Reactor Control Room |
nesc0277 |
HAMMER, 1-D MultiGroup Neutron Transport Infinite System Cell Calculation for Few-Group Diffusion Calculation |
nea-1345 |
HARPHRQ, Geochemical Reaction Modelling |
nea-0547 |
HASSAN, Time-Dependent Temperature Distribution and Stress and Strain in HTR Fuel Pins |
nesc9819 |
HCT, Time Dependent 1-D Gas Hydrodynamics, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Transport |
psr-0199 |
HEATING-7.3, Multidimensional Finite-Difference Heat Conduction Analysis |
nea-0490 |
HEDO-2, Magnetic Field Calculation and Plot of Air Core Coils |
nea-0302 |
HEITLER, Compton Cross-Sections, Photoelectric Cross-Sections, Pair-Production Cross-Sections, Total Cross-Sections |
nesc0775 |
HEMP, 2-D Elastic Plastic Flow in 2-D X-Y or Cylindrical Geometry by Lagrangian Method |
nea-1666 |
HEPROW, Unfolding of pulse height spectra using Bayes theorem and maximum entropy method |
nea-0536 |
HERA-1A, Steady-State Thermohydraulics of Na Cooled Fuel Rod Bundles |
ests0545 |
HGSYSTEM, Atmospheric Dispersion for Ideal Gases and Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) |
ccc-0644 |
HOTSPOT 3.0.1, Health Physics Code System for Evaluating Accidents Involving Radioactive Materials |
nea-1935 |
HRP-LEGACY-DB, Halden Reactor Project Legacy Database |
ests0406 |
HYFRACP3D, 3-D Hydraulic Fracture Propagation by Finite Element Method |
nea-1823 |
ICRS1, Proceedings of the First Radiation Shielding Symposium, Cambridge, UK 1958 |
ests0005 |
IMPACTS-BRC2.1, General Radiological Impacts Analysis |
iaea1378 |
INDOSE V2.1.1, Internal Dosimetry Code Using Biokinetics Models |
nea-1904 |
INES-CLASS, assessment of accidents significance occurred at nuclear facilities |
psr-0313 |
INFLTB, Dosimetric Mass Energy Transfer and Absorption Coefficient |
uscd1212 |
INTER-8.00, ENDF/B Thermal Cross-Sections, Resonance Integrals, G-Factors Calculation |
iaea0886 |
INTERTRAN-I & II, Radiation Exposure from Vehicle Transport of Radioactive Material |
uscd1213 |
INTLIB-6, Graphic Device Interface Library for ENDF/B Processing Codes |
nea-1894 |
INVENTDYN.MT, calculates the dynamics of the amount of isotope and its daughter nuclides with time stamps |
nea-1821 |
IPLOT, interactive MELCOR data plotting system |
iaea1328 |
ISABEL EVA PACE-2, Evaporation Model with Intranuclear Cascade Input |
ccc-0636 |
ISO-PC, X-Ray, Gamma-Bremsstrahlung Dose-Rates |
ccc-0079 |
ISOSHLD, Decay Gamma Dose, Bremsstrahlung Dose Behind Shield, Fission Products Source Strength |
ccc-0467 |
ITS-3.0, Integrated TIGER Series of Coupled Electron-Photon Monte Carlo Codes. |
iaea0940 |
JADSPE, Multi-Channel Gamma Spectra Unfolding Program |
nea-1760 |
JANIS 4.0, a Java-based nuclear data display program |
nea-1838 |
JASMINE V.3, Steam explosion simulation |
nea-1811 |
JDL-IMPORTANCE, Adjoint Function: Physical Basis of Variational & Perturbation Theory in Transport & Diffusion Problems |
nea-1843 |
JDL-REACTOR-KINETICS, Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Control |
nea-1844 |
JDL-THERMODYNAMICS, Thermodynamics: Frontiers and Foundations |
nea-0624 |
JOSHUA, Neutronics, Hydraulics, Burnup, Refuelling of LWR |
psr-0306 |
KAOS-V, Neutron Fluence to Kerma Factor Evaluation from ENDF/B-5 and JENDL-2 |
ccc-0510 |
KENO-IV(RG), KENO-IV with Random Geometry |
psr-0541 |
KENO2MCNP, Version 5L, Conversion of Input Data between KENOV.a and MCNP File Formats |
psr-0450 |
KENO3D 5.1, Visualisation Tool for KENO V.A and KENO-VI Geometry Models |
ccc-0548 |
KENO5A-PC, Monte-Carlo Criticality with Supergrouping |
nea-0288 |
KERBREK, Fuel Cycle Cost Analysis for Power Reactor |
nea-1865 |
KICHE 1.3, Kinetics of Iodine Chemistry in the Containment of LWRs under Severe Accident Conditions |
iaea1339 |
KINETIK, Time-Dependent Heat and Mass Transfer |
ests0154 |
KIVA3VRELEASE2, Transient Multicomponent 2-D and 3-D Reactive Flows with Fuel Sprays |
nea-1001 |
KORIGEN, Isotope Inventory, Radiation Heat from PWR Burnup |
nea-0441 |
KPD, Time-Dependent Fuel Cycle Cost Calculation for Various Reactor Types |
nea-1924 |
KRAKEN 1.2.X, framework of (coupled) tools for reactor core analysis |
nesc0992 |
LADTAP-2, Organ Doses to Man and Other Biota from Aquatic Environment |
ccc-0696 |
LAHET 2.8, Code System for High Energy Particle Transport Calculations |
nea-0192 |
LAZY, General Experimental Data Processing Program |
psr-0277 |
LEPRICON, PWR Vessel Dose Analysis with DORT and ANISN Program |
nea-0124 |
LGH, Gamma Streaming and Neutron Streaming for Duct |
psr-0394 |
LHS, Multivariate Sample Generator by Latin Hypercube Sampling |
nesc1085 |
LHS-ESTSC, Multivariate Sample Generator by Latin Hypercube Sampling |
uscd1214 |
LISTEF-6.13, ENDF/B Data File Summary List |
nea-1026 |
LOUHI82, Generator Spectra Unfolding Program with Linear and Nonlinear Regularization |
psr-0233 |
LSL-M2, Neutron Spectra Log Adjustment for Dosimetry Applications |
uscd1224 |
LSODI, Implicit Ordinary Differential Equations System Either Dense or Banded Matrices |
nea-0316 |
LTFR-4, Library Generated for Fast Reactor Design Program from JAERI Fast-Set MultiGroup Constant |
ccc-0631 |
LWRARC-1.0, PWR and BWR Spent Fuel Decay Heat Generator |
nesc1006 |
MAEROS, Multicomponent Aerosol Time Evolution |
nea-1047 |
MANYCASK, Radiation Dose Rate Around Many Casks |
nea-0517 |
MAPLIB, Thermodynamics Materials Property Generator for FORTRAN Program |
ccc-0503 |
MARINRAD, Health Hazard from Radioactive Material Release into Ocean |
psr-0137 |
MARLOWE 15b, Computer Simulation of Atomic Collisions in Crystalline Solids |
nea-1307 |
MARMER, Point-Kernel Shielding Calculation with Nuclide Concentrations from ORIGEN-S |
psr-0117 |
MARS-ORNL, Processing Program Collection for AMPX, CCCC, ANISN, DOT, MORSE Format Library |
ests0212 |
MASCON, Mass-Consistent Atmospheric Flux Model |
ests0279 |
MATHEW/ADPIC, Air Concentration and Ground Deposition from Point Sources |
ests0221 |
MAXWELL3, 3-D FEM Electromagnetics |
psr-0350 |
MC*2-2, Calculation of Fast Neutron Spectra and Multigroup Cross-Sections from ENDF/B Data |
uscd1241 |
MCART, solve the time dependent neutron transport equation |
nea-1643 |
MCB1C, Monte-Carlo Continuous Energy Burnup Code |
nea-1733 |
MCNP4B-GN, Monte Carlo Code System for (gamma,n) production and transport in high-Z materials |
iaea0889 |
MCRAC/RBI, In Core Fuel Management, Program of PFMP System |
ests1678 |
MCSLTT, Monte Carlo Simulation of Light Transport in Tissue |
nea-1859 |
MCUNED, MCNPX Extension for Using light Ion Evaluated Nuclear Data library |
nea-1166 |
MCVIEW, 3-D Radiation View Factor by Monte-Carlo Method |
ccc-0156 |
MECC-7, Medium-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Code System |
nea-0583 |
MEDUSA-PIJ, 1-D Thermohydraulic Analysis of Laser Driven Plasma |
nea-1889 |
MEGA, Mechanistic and Engineering Fission Gas Release Model for a Uranium Dioxide Fuel |
nea-1930 |
MELGENBRIEF, A Code To Extract Control Volume Information From MELGEN Output File of The MELCOR code |
nea-0351 |
MERCURE, 3-D Gamma Heating and Gamma Dose Rate and Fast Flux by Monte-Carlo |
nea-0194 |
MERCURE-3, Gamma Attenuation by Line-of-Flight in 3-D Heterogeneous Geometry |
ests0331 |
MESORAD1.4, Emergency Response Airborne Dose Assessment |
nea-1534 |
MESYST, Simulation of 3-D Tracer Dispersion in Atmosphere |
nea-1922 |
MEXTRA 1.1, A Code To Extract Numerical Value From MAAP Code Output Files |
psr-0542 |
MGA8, Determine Pu Isotope Abundances from Multichannel Analyzer Gamma Spectra |
nesc9460 |
MILDOS-AREA, Radiological Impact of Airborne U238 from Mining and Milling |
uscd1097 |
MINEQL, Chemical Equilibrium Composition of Aqueous Systems |
nesc0888 |
MINPACK-1, Subroutine Library for Nonlinear Equation System |
nea-1706 |
MMRW, Canadian and early British Energy Reports on Nuclear Reactor Theory (1940-1946) |
nea-1792 |
MMRW-BOOKS, Legacy books on slowing down, thermalization, particle transport theory, random processes in reactors |
ccc-0841 |
MMS3D, Method of Manufactured Solutions for 3D one-group SN Equations with escalating order of non-smoothness |
psr-0365 |
MOCUP, MCNP/ORIGEN Coupling Utility Programs |
nea-0527 |
MONK, Keff, Collision Rate, Flux Distribution in General Geometry from UKNDL by Monte-Carlo Method |
nea-1747 |
MONTE-CARLO-WS-2005, Proceedings of Monte Carlo Criticality Calculations & TRIPOLI-IV Workshops 2005 |
psr-0455 |
MONTEBURNS 2.0, An Automated, Multi-Step Monte Carlo Burnup Code System |
nea-1905 |
MORET 5.D.1, Monte Carlo simulation tool to solve transport equation for neutrons |
nea-1633 |
MOSRA-LIGHT, High Speed 3-D X-Y-Z Nodal Diffusion Code for Vector Computers |
nea-1896 |
MOSRA-SRAC, Lattice Calculation Module of the Modular Code System for Nuclear Reactor Analyses MOSRA |
iaea1349 |
MSM-SOURCE, Neutron Source Generator for MCNP from Proton Neutron Interaction |
nea-1845 |
MURE v2 - SMURE, MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution: couples Monte-Carlo transport with fuel burnup calculations |
nea-1673 |
MVP/GMVP V.3, MC Codes for Neutron & Photon Transport Calc. based on Continuous Energy and Multigroup Methods |
nea-1926 |
N-THERMALISATION, Notes on the scattering of thermal neutrons |
iaea1411 |
NAAPRO, Neutron Activation Analysis Prognosis and Optimization code |
psr-0085 |
NAISAP, Theory and Use of Gamma-Ray Spectrum Analysis Codes for NaI(Tl) Detectors. |
nesc9644 |
NASA-VOF2D, 2-D Transient Free Surface Incompressible Fluid Dynamic |
nesc9568 |
NASA-VOF3D, 3-D Transient, Free Surface, Incompressible Fluid Dynamic |
nea-0853 |
NAUA-MOD5, Aerosols in Reactor Containment During Meltdown |
nea-1874 |
NEACRP-H2O-LATTICES, Compilation of reactor physics measurements in LWRs lattices |
ccc-0641 |
NESTLE 5.2.1, Few-Group Neutron Diffusion for Steady-State and Transient Problems by Nodal Expansion Method (NEM) |
nea-0823 |
NEUPAC, Experimental Neutron Spectra Unfolding with Sensitivities |
nea-1025 |
psr-0480 |
NJOY99.24, Data Processing System of Evaluated Nuclear Data Files ENDF Format |
nea-0974 |
NMTC/JAERI97, High-Energy P, N, Pion Reaction Monte-Carlo Simulation |
ccc-0684 |
NRCDOSE 2.3.20, Evaluation of Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants |
ccc-0768 |
NRCDOSE72 1.2.3, Evaluation of Routine Radioactive Effluents from Nuclear Power Plants with Windows Interface |
ests1049 |
NRCPIPES, Fracture Mechanics of Cracked Pipes |
nea-0700 |
NRESP4, Organic Scintillation Detector Response to Monoenergetic Fast Neutron |
iaea1389 |
NRSC, Neutron Resonance Spectrum Calculation System |
nea-1347 |
NSLINK, Coupling of NJOY Cross-Sections Generator Code to SCALE-3 System |
nesc0790 |
NUBOW-2D/INEL, 2-D Core Restraint System Stress Analysis, with Bowing, Creep, Swelling |
iaea1320 |
NUCHART, Nuclear Properties and Decay Data Chart |
nea-1492 |
NUCLEUS-CHART, Interactive Chart of Nuclides |
nesc0683 |
NUFUEL, Conditions for Power Production, U Fuel, Pu Recycle and Reprocessing |
psr-0616 |
NucWiz, set up and run Monte Carlo calculations |
uscd1232 |
ODEPACK, Initial Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equation System |
nea-1591 |
OMEGA, Subcritical and Critical Neutron Transport in General 3-D Geometry by Monte-Carlo |
nea-1877 |
OPBA, Operator Procedural Behavior Analyzer |
nesc0703 |
ORCENT-2, Full Load Steam Turbine Cycle Thermodynamics for LWR Power Plant |
nesc0588 |
ORCOST-2, PWR, BWR, HTGR, Fossil Fuel Power Plant Cost and Economics |
nea-1324 |
OREST, LWR Burnup Simulation Using Program HAMMER and ORIGEN |
ccc-0371 |
ORIGEN-2.2, Isotope Generation and Depletion Code Matrix Exponential Method |
ccc-0702 |
ORIGEN-ARP 2.00, Isotope Generation and Depletion Code System-Matrix Exponential Method with GUI and Graphics Capability |
nea-0622 |
ORIGEN-JR, Radiation Source and Nuclide Transmutation with In-Core Burnup |
nea-1249 |
ORION-II, Concentration and Dose from Radioactive Release into Atmosphere |
nea-1880 |
ORIP-XXI, isotope transmutation simulations |
psr-0275 |
ORMONTE, Uncertainty Analysis for User-Developed System Models |
psr-0538 |
P-CARES 2.0.0, Probabilistic Computer Analysis for Rapid Evaluation of Structures |
nesc0901 |
PAD, Coupled Neutronics, Thermohydraulics in 1-D Spherical, Cylindrical, Planar Geometry |
psr-0156 |
PAPIN, Cross Section, Self-Shielding Factors for Fertile Isotopes in Unresolved Resonance Region |
psr-0516 |
PARET-ANL, Code System to Predict Consequences of Nondestructive Accidents in Research and Test Reactor Cores |
ccc-0760 |
PARTISN 5.97, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D Time-Dependent, Multigroup Deterministic Parallel Neutral Particle Transport Code |
ccc-0842 |
PARTISN 8.29, Time-Dependent, Parallel Neutral Particle Transport Code System |
nea-1680 |
PASCAL, Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics Analysis of Structural Components in Aging LWR |
ccc-0445 |
PAVAN, Atmospheric Dispersion of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Power Plants |
ests0071 |
PC-PRAISE, BWR Piping Reliability Analysis |
ests0764 |
PCDOSE, Radioactive Dose Assessment and NRC Verification |
nesc9917 |
PCHIP, Piecewise Cubic Hermite Data Interpolation |
uscd1205 |
PCNUDAT, Nuclear Properties Data Base and Retrieval System |
iaea0855 |
PELSHIE-PC, Dose Rates from Gamma Source by Point-Kernel Integration |
nea-1525 |
PENELOPE2023, A Code System for Monte-Carlo Simulation of Electron and Photon Transport |
nea-1339 |
PEPIN, Methodology for Computing Concentrations, Activities, Gamma-Ray Spectra, and Residual Heat from Fission Products. |
nea-1931 |
PHITS-3.X, Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System |
uscd1207 |
PHREEQC & PHRQCGRF, Modeling of Geochemical Reactions, Calculation of pH, REDOX Potential |
psr-0568 |
PICES, Probabilistic Investigation of Capacity and Energy Shortages |
nea-1612 |
PIN99W, Modelling of VVER and PWR Fuel Rod Thermomechanical Behaviour |
nea-0416 |
PIPE, 1-D Gamma Transport for Slab, Spherical Shields with Compton Scattering Calculation |
nea-1879 |
PLOT-S, Plotting Program with special Features for Windows Environment |
uscd1215 |
PLOTEF-6.13, ENDF/B Data Plot |
nea-0493 |
PLUDOS, Ground Level Gamma Dose from Radioactive Release at Various Heights |
nea-1663 |
PLUTON, Isotope Generation and Depletion in Highly Irradiated LWR Fuel Rods |
nea-1789 |
PMK2-VVER440-REPORTS, Final reports on the PMK-2 projects for VVER Safety Studies |
ests0428 |
POISSON SUPERFISH, Poisson Equation Solver for Radio Frequency Cavity |
iaea0944 |
POLLA/IEACTA, ENDF/B Reich-Moore to Adler-Adler Resonance Parameter Conversion |
nea-1929 |
POSY, Power system model for system costs evaluation - Will be released soon |
nea-1675 |
PPICA, Power Plant Investment Cost Analysis |
nea-1485 |
PREP-45, Input Preparation for CITATION-2 |
nea-1173 |
PREP/SPOP, Input Preparation for Monte-Carlo Program SPOP |
iaea1379 |
PREPRO2021, Data Preparation and Management, Subsidiary Calculations (ENDF Format) |
nea-0169 |
PROCOPE, Collision Probability in Pin Clusters and Infinite Rod Lattices |
iaea1174 |
PSAPACK, Probabilistic Safety Analysis with Fault Event Trees |
uscd1216 |
PSYCHE-8.00, ENDF/B Data Consistency Check in ENDF Format |
nesc0155 |
PTH-1, Pressure and Temperature in Containment after Blowdown of H2O Coolant System |
ccc-0618 |
PTRAN, Proton Transport for 50 to 250 MeV by Monte-Carlo |
psr-0534 |
PUFF-IV 6.1.0, Code System to Generate Multigroup Covariance Matrices from ENDF/B-VI Uncertainty Files |
iaea1228 |
PULSTRI-1, Mixed Core Triga Reactor Pulse Calculation |
nea-1679 |
PVIS-4, Pressure vessel irradiation, source preparation |
nesc1081 |
PWR-GALE, Radioactive Gaseous Release and Liquid Release from PWR |
nesc0552 |
PWR-PPM, Boration-Dilution Tables Generator for PWR Operation |
nea-1828 |
Proceedings of PHYSOR'90 conference: Physics of Reactors, Operation, Design and Computation, Marseille, 23-27 April 1990 |
nea-1933 |
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2023), 1-6 Oct. 2023, Sendai |
nea-1912 |
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety (ICNC2003), 20-24 Oct. 2003, Tokai-Mura |
ccc-0645 |
QAD-CGGP-A, Fast Neutron, Gamma Penetration in Shields with Combinatorial Geometry |
ccc-0396 |
QADMOD-G, Point-Kernel Gamma-Ray Shielding Program |
ccc-0617 |
QBF, Radiation Dose Distribution Around Spent Fuel Shipping Casks |
nea-1600 |
QUARK, 2-Group 3-D Neutronic Kinetics Coupled to Core Thermalhydraulics |
ests0062 |
RABFIN PARTS, Noble Gas, Iodine, Particulate Gaseous Effluent Dose Parameters |
nea-0467 |
RADHEAT, Transport, Heat Generator, Radiation Damage Cross-Sections in Reactor and Shield |
ccc-0800 |
RADTRAD 3.03, Model for Radionuclide Transport and Removal and Dose Estimation |
nea-1867 |
RAPID, RAdial power and burnup Prediction by following fissile Isotope Distribution in the pellet |
nea-0632 |
RAPVOID, H2O Flow and Steam Flow in Pipe System with Phase Equilibrium |
ccc-0783 |
RASCAL 4.3, Radiological Assessment Systems for Consequence AnaLysis |
ccc-0632 |
RBD, Doses from Radionuclide Inhalation, Ingestion, Wound Uptake from Bioassays |
nea-1873 |
REACTORPHYSICS-62-91, Archive of Reactor Physics Reports and Summaries of [N]EACRP (1962-1991) |
nea-1814 |
REACTORSHIELDING-NMS, Reactor Shielding for Nuclear Engineers by N. M. Schaeffer |
ccc-0708 |
REBUS-PC 1.4, Code System for Analysis of Research Reactor Fuel Cycles |
ccc-0653 |
REBUS3/VARIANT8.0, Code System for Analysis of Fast Reactor Fuel Cycles |
nesc9967 |
RECOG-ORNL, Pattern Recognition Data Analysis |
nesc1065 |
REFCO83, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Cost Economics Using Discounted Cash Flow Analysis |
nea-0914 |
REFIT-2009, Multilevel Resonance Parameter Least Square Fit of N Transmission, Capture, Fission & Self Indication Data |
nea-1231 |
REFREP, Near-Field Model for Spent Fuel Repository |
nesc0369 |
RELAP-4, Transient 2 Phase Flow Thermohydraulics, LWR LOCA and Reflood |
nea-0437 |
RELAP-UK, Thermohydraulic Transients and Steady-State of LWR |
nesc0917 |
RELAP5/MOD1/029, Transient 2 Phase Flow Thermohydraulics, LWR LOCA Accidents |
psr-0482 |
REMIT5.1, Radiation exposure monitoring and information transmittal system |
ccc-0786 |
RESRAD 6.5, Residual Radioactive Material Guideline Implementation |
nea-0979 |
RETRANS, Reactivity Transients in LWR |
nesc0453 |
RICE, Energy Exchange Matrix, Damage Cross-Sections, Recoil Energy Spectra from ENDF/B |
nesc9580 |
RICKI, Interactive Gamma Spectra Unfolding with Isotope Identification |
nea-1825 |
RIMACS, Reactor Inspection Main Control System |
ccc-0623 |
RISKIND, Radiological Risk Assessment for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation |
ccc-0626 |
RIVER-RAD, Radionuclide Transport in Surface Waters |
nea-1835 |
ROCKWELL-RSDM, Reactor Shielding Design Manual by Rockwell T. III |
ests0608 |
RSAC-6, Gamma doses, inhalation and ingestion doses, fission products inventory after fission products release |
ccc-0761 |
RSAC-7.2, Gamma doses, inhalation and ingestion doses, fission products inventory after fission products release |
nea-0402 |
SABINE-3, Neutron Penetration and Gamma Penetration in Reactor Shield for Planar, Spherical, Cylindrical Geometry |
psr-0242 |
SABRINA, Geometry Plot Program for MCNP |
nea-1884 |
SACALC-ELLIPSOID, Calculates the average solid angle subtended by a ellipsoid solid or surface |
nea-1688 |
SACALC3, Calculates the average solid angle subtended by a volume |
psr-0573 |
SAEROSA, Single-Species Aerosol Coagulation and Deposition with Arbitrary Size Resolution |
nesc0332 |
SAFE-3D, Stress Analysis of 3-D Composite Structure by Finite Elements Method |
nesc0674 |
SAFTAC, Monte-Carlo Fault Tree Simulation for System Design Performance and Optimization |
nea-0212 |
SAHYB-2, Solution of Ordinary Differential Equation with User-Supplied Subroutine |
psr-0158 |
SAMMY 8.1.0, Multilevel R-Matrix Fits to Neutron and Charged-Particle Cross-Section Data Using Bayes' Equations |
nea-0691 |
SAMPO80, Ge(Li) Detector Gamma Spectra Unfolding with Isotope Identification |
ccc-0112 |
SAND-II, Neutron Flux Spectra from Multiple Foil Activation Experiment |
ccc-0361 |
SANDYL, 3-D Time-Dependent and Space-Dependent Gamma Electron Cascade Transport by Monte-Carlo |
nesc0641 |
SAP-4, Static and Dynamic Linear System Stress Analysis for Various Structures |
psr-0608 |
SAPHIRE 8.0.9, Systems Analysis Programs for Hands-On Integrated Reliability Evaluations |
nea-1898 |
SAUNA V1.1, Severe Accident UNcertainty Analysis |
nea-1405 |
SCALPLO, Plotting of Flux Output from SCALE Program |
psr-0352 |
SCAMPI, Problem Dependent Library Preprocessing in AMPX Format |
nesc1119 |
SCANS, Shipping Cask Design Safety Analysis |
nea-0829 |
SCAT-2 & SCAT-2B, Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for Spherical Nuclei by Optical Model |
ccc-0826 |
SCEPTRE 1.7, Sandia Computational Engine for Particle Transport for Radiation Effects |
psr-0267 |
SCINFUL, Scintillation Neutron Detector Response by Monte-Carlo |
nea-1755 |
SCIP V1.1, Radioactive Surface Contamination Investigation Program |
psr-0210 |
SCOPE, Shipping Cask Optimization and Parametric Evaluation |
nea-0865 |
SCRIMP, Steady-State Thermohydraulics of HTGR Subchannel |
ccc-0620 |
SEECAL-2.0, Specific Effective Energy in Human Body Due to Radiation |
nesc1063 |
SEISIM-1, Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment |
nea-0654 |
SELFS-3, Self-Shielding Correlation of Foil Activation Neutron Spectra Analysis by SAND-2 |
ccc-0729 |
SERA-1C1, Simulation environment for radiotherapy applications |
nea-1840 |
SERPENT 1.1.7, 3-D continuous-energy Monte Carlo reactor physics burnup calculation, lattice physics applications |
nea-1923 |
SERPENT V2.2.X, 3-D continuous-energy Monte Carlo reactor physics burnup calculation, lattice physics applications |
uscd1217 |
SETMDC-6.13, Preprocessor for CHECKR, FIZCON, INTER, etc. ENDF Utility source codes |
nesc0452 |
SHELL-5, Elastic Stress Analysis of 3-D Thin Shells Using Finite Elements Method |
iaea1287 |
SHIELD, Monte-Carlo Code for Simulating Interaction of High Energy Hadrons with Complex Macroscopic Targets |
iaea1391 |
SHIELDER, Gamma shielding calculations of radionuclides emitting photons 0-5 to 10 MeV |
iaea1416 |
SIGACE, Code for Doppler broadening of ACE-formatted files |
ests0238 |
SIMION, Electrostatic Lens Analysis and Design |
nea-1577 |
SKETCH-N 1.0, Solve Neutron Diffusion Equations of Steady-State and Kinetics Problems |
ccc-0646 |
SKYSHINE-KSU, Gamma Skyshine Doses by Integral Line-Beam Method |
ccc-0289 |
SKYSHINE2&3-SKYIII-PC, Dose Rate Outside Concrete Steel Building from 6 MeV Gamma by Monte-Carlo |
ccc-0704 |
SLIDERULE 1.0,Slide Rule for direct radiation exposure approximation in criticality accidents |
nesc1077 |
SMACS, Probabilistic Seismic Analysis Chain with Statistics |
nea-1767 |
SMAFS, Steady-state analysis Model for Advanced Fuelcycle Schemes |
nea-1046 |
SMART, Radiation Dose Rates on Cask Surface |
psr-0345 |
SNL-SAND-II, Neutron Flux Spectra from Multiple Foil Activation Analysis |
nesc0559 |
SOFIRE-2, Containment Temperature and Pressure During Na Pool Fire, 1-Cell or 2-Cell Analysis |
nesc0832 |
SOLA-DF, Time-Dependent 2-D 2 Phase Flow, Eulerian Method with Various Boundary Conditions |
nesc0651 |
SOLA-SURF, 2-D Plane, Axisymmetric, Incompressible Flow Navier Stokes Equation for Transient |
nesc0948 |
SOLA-VOF, 2-D Transient Hydrodynamic Using Fractional Volume of Fluid Method |
nesc9944 |
SOLGASMIX-PV, Chemical System Equilibrium of Gaseous and Condensed Phase Mixtures |
uscd1100 |
SOLUPLOT, Eh-pH Diagram, a02-pH Diagram Plots for Aqueous Chemical Systems |
nesc0662 |
SOLVEX, Dynamic and Steady-State Mixer-Settler and Centrifugal Contactor Behaviour |
nea-1911 |
SOPHIA, a Lagrangian-based CFD code for nuclear thermal-hydraulics and safety applications. |
nea-0450 |
SOTHIS, PWR Fuel Cycle Equilibrium Cost Evaluation |
ccc-0661 |
SOURCES-4C, Calculating Alpha, N, Fission, Delayed Neutron Sources and Spectra |
ccc-0228 |
SPAR, High-Energy Muon, Pion, Heavy Ion Stopping-Powers and Ranges |
nea-0468 |
SPARK, Time-Dependent 1-D, 2-D, 3-D Diffusion with Heat Transfer and Feedback |
psr-0263 |
SPECTER-ANL, Neutron Damage for Material Irradiation |
nea-1165 |
SPEEDI & EXPRESS, Radiation Dose from Plume Release in Nuclear Accident |
nea-0374 |
SPES, Fuel Cycle Optimization for LWR |
nesc0716 |
SPRAY-3, Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer of Na Sprays in LMFBR after Pipe Failure |
psr-0266 |
SPUNIT, Multisphere Neutron Spectra Unfolding |
psr-0533 |
SQUIRT 1.1, predicts leakage rate and crack area for cracked pipes in nuclear power plants |
nea-0919 |
SRIM-2008, Stopping Power and Range of Ions in Matter |
iaea1382 |
SRNA-2020, Proton Transport Using 3-D by Monte Carlo Techniques |
nea-0684 |
SSYST-3, Modular System for Transient Fuel Rod Behaviour Under Accident Condition |
iaea1439 |
STACY, Very High Temp. Reactor V/HTR Safety Analyses for the Quantification of Fission Product Release from the Fuel |
nea-1725 |
STAMPI, Application to the Coupling of Atmosphere Model (MM5) and Land-surface Model (SOLVEG) |
uscd1218 |
STANEF-8.02, ENDF/B Book-keeping Operations for ENDF Format Files |
iaea0971 |
STAPRE-H95, Evaporation and Pre-Equilibrium Model Reaction Cross-Sections Calculations |
psr-0330 |
STARCODES, Stopping Power and Ranges for Electrons, Protons, He |
nea-0908 |
STATISTICS, Program System for Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data |
nesc9749 |
STATLIB, Interactive Statistics Program Library of Tutorial System |
psr-0113 |
STAY-SL, Dosimetry Unfolding with Activation, Dosimetry, Flux Error Calculation |
nesc0487 |
STEAM-67, Thermodynamics Properties of H2O and Steam from ASME Tables (1967) |
iaea0970 |
STOPOW88, Stopping Power of Fast Ions in Matter |
iaea1437 |
SUPERMC 3.3.0, Super Monte Carlo simulation program for nuclear and radiation process |
nea-1151 |
SUSD, Sensitivity and Uncertainty in Neutron Transport and Detector Response |
nea-1628 |
SUSD3D, 1-, 2-, 3-Dimensional Cross Section Sensitivity and Uncertainty Code |
ccc-0204 |
SWANLAKE, Cross-Sections Sensitivity Analysis for 1-D Discrete Ordinate Calculation |
ccc-0767 |
SWORD 7.0, SoftWare for Optimization of Radiation Detectors |
nea-0594 |
SYNTH-C, Steady-State and Time-Dependent 3-D Neutron Diffusion with Thermohydraulic Feedback |
nesc9766 |
T-HEMP3D, 3-D Time-Dependent Elastic Plastic Flow |
nesc1113 |
TACT-5, Doses of Radioactivity Release from Reactor Core into Environment |
nea-0531 |
TAFEST, 2-D Transient Heat Conduction |
ccc-0638 |
TART2022, 3D Coupled Neutron-Photon Combinatorial Geometry, Time Dependent, Monte Carlo Transport Code |
nesc0558 |
TASK, 1-D MultiGroup Diffusion or Transport Theory Reactor Kinetics with Delayed Neutron |
nea-1925 |
TCOFF, Thermodynamic Char. of Fuel Debris and Fission Products based on Scenario Analysis of Severe Accident Progression |
ccc-0180 |
TDA, Time-Dependent 1-D Neutron Transport, Gamma Transport by ANISN Method in Slab, Spherical, Cylindrical Geometry |
ccc-0709 |
TDTORT, Time-Dependent, 3-D, Discrete Ordinates, Neutron Transport Code System with Delayed Neutrons |
nea-0774 |
THALES, Thermohydraulic LOCA Analysis of BWR and PWR |
nesc9940 |
THERMIT-2, 3-D Thermo-Hydraulics of BWR and PWR |
nesc0184 |
THERMOS-BRT-1, 1-D Integral Transport for Neutron Spectra, Slab and Cylinder |
ccc-0759 |
TITAN 1.29, A Three-Dimensional Deterministic Radiation Transport Code System |
ccc-0858 |
TMAP7, Tritium Migration Analysis Program |
nesc9669 |
TOPAZ-SNLL, Transient 1-D Pipe Flow Analysis |
ccc-0543 |
TORT-DORT, 1-D 2-D 3-D Discrete Ordinate Neutron and Photon Transport with Deep Penetration |
ests0219 |
TOUGH2 & TOUGHREACT, Unsaturated Ground Water and Heat Transfer |
nesc9710 |
TOXRISK, Toxic Gas Release Accident Analysis |
nesc0836 |
TRAC-PF1, Thermohydraulics, Reactor Kinetics, 2 Phase Flow LOCA Analysis |
nea-1593 |
TRAC-PF1/EN MOD 3, Best Estimate Coupled 3-D Neutronics-Thermalhydraulics |
psr-0317 |
TRANSX-2.15, Neutron Gamma Particle Transport Tables from MATXS Format Cross-Sections |
iaea1214 |
TRIGAC, Flux and Power Distribution and Burnup for TRIGA Reactor |
iaea1370 |
TRIGLAV, Research Reactor Calculations |
nea-1716 |
TRIPOLI-4 VERS. 8.1, 3D general purpose continuous energy Monte Carlo Transport code |
nea-1878 |
TRIPOLI-4 version 9S, Coupled Neutron, Photon, Electron, Positron 3-D, Time Dependent Monte-Carlo Transport Calculation |
nea-1086 |
TRISTAN, 3-D fixed source radiation transport |
iaea1337 |
TRISTAN-IJS, Steady-State Axial Temperature and Flow Velocity in Triga Channel |
nea-0415 |
TRITON, 3-D Multi-Region Neutron Diffusion Burnup with Criticality Search |
iaea0884 |
TRIVENI, 3-D Fuel Management for PHWR CANDU |
psr-0522 |
TRUMP, Steady-State and Transient 1-D, 2-D and 3-D Potential Flow, Temperature Distribution |
iaea1434 |
U-SHIELDER, Estimates Shielding Thickness of Depleted Uranium for Photons from 0.5 to 10 MeV |
nea-1682 |
U3-U5-PU9-CRITICALS, Critical Dimensions of Systems containing U235, Pu239, and U233 |
nea-1665 |
UMG 3.3, Analysis of data measured with spectrometers using unfolding techniques |
ests0827 |
UNSPEC, X-Ray Spectrum Unfolding |
ccc-0781 |
VARSKIN 4 V4.0.0, Dose Calculation for Skin Contamination, with Sadde Input Generator |
uscd1239 |
VENTEASY, Criticality Search for a Desired Keffective by Adjusting Dimensions, Nuclide Concentrations, or Buckling |
ccc-0654 |
VENTURE-PC 1.1, Reactor Analysis System with Sensitivity and Burnup |
nesc0511 |
VENUS-2, Reactor Kinetics with Feedback, 2-D LMFBR Disassembly Excursions |
nesc9826 |
VERTPAK-1, Fluid Flow, Rock Deformation, Solute Transport in Porous Media |
nea-1856 |
VESTA 2.1&AURORA1.0, Monte Carlo depletion interface code and AURORA 1.0.0, Depletion analysis tool |
ccc-0754 |
VIM 5.1, Steady-State 3-D Neutron Transport Using ENDF/B or Multigroup Cross Sections |
uscd1240 |
VIM_NC, VIM color syntax for Nuclear Codes: NJOY, DRAGON, PARTISN, TORT, MONK, and MCNP |
nesc1115 |
VISA-2, Reactor Vessel Failure Probability Under Thermal Shock |
psr-0618 |
VISUAL EDITOR 61, MCNPX/6 Visual Editor Computer Code |
nesc0922 |
VMCON, Minimization of Nonlinear Function with Constraints |
iaea0871 |
VPI-NECM, Nuclear Engineering Program Collection for College Training |
nea-0655 |
VSOP, Neutron Spectra, 2-D Flux Synthesis, Fuel Management, Thermohydraulics Calculation |
iaea1440 |
VSOP99-11, Neutron Spectra, 2-D Flux Synthesis, Fuel Management, Thermohydraulics Calculation |
iaea1417 |
W-SHIELDER, calculates shielding thickness of water for photon emitting radionuclide between 0.5 to 10 MeV |
nea-1142 |
WADOSE, Radiation Source in Vitrification Waste Storage Apparatus |
nesc9673 |
WAPPA, Waste Package Performance Assessment |
nesc0278 |
WHAM-6, Pressure and Velocity Transients in Fluid Pipes, Wave Superposition Method |
ccc-0698 |
WIMS-ANL 4.0, Deterministic Code System for Lattice Calculation |
nea-0329 |
WIMS-D/4, MultiGroup Reactor Lattice Calculation for Thermal Reactor and Fast Reactor |
iaea0887 |
WIMSCORE-ENEA, 2-Group Constant from WIMS-D/4 for Programs TDB, TRITON, CITATION |
nea-1507 |
WIMSD5, Deterministic Multigroup Reactor Lattice Calculations |
iaea1408 |
WLUP3.0, 69 and 172 Group Cross Section Libraries for WIMS |
nesc0964 |
XOQDOQ, Meteorological Evaluation of Atmospheric Nuclear Power Plant Effluents |
ccc-0847 |
XOQGAM, Methodology and Software Routines for Computation of Gamma Radiation Exposures from Finite-cloud Gaussian Plumes |
nea-1882 |
XSUN-2023, Windows interface environment for transport and sensitivity-uncertainty software TRANSX-2, PARTISN and SUSD3D |
nea-1251 |
ZYLIND, Gamma Penetration for Cylindrical Source and Shield Geometry |
nea-1398 |
ZZ 3DLWRCT, 3-D LWR Rod Ejection and Rod Withdrawal Benchmarks |
dlc-0069 |
ZZ ACTL82, Data Library of Evaluated Activation Cross-Sections |
iaea1420 |
ZZ ADS-LIB, test library for Accelerator Driven Systems |
dlc-0224 |
ZZ ALBEDO-DATA, Data for the Calculation of Albedos from Concrete, Iron, Lead and Water for Photons and Neutrons |
nea-1745 |
ZZ ALEPH-LIB-JEFF3.1, MCNP Neutron Cross Section Library based on JEFF3.1 |
nea-1927 |
ZZ AMPXJEFF3.1.1UPM, AMPX-formatted Neutron Cross Section Library and Covariances based on JEFF-3.1.1 |
nea-1928 |
ZZ AMPXJEFF3.3-UPM, AMPX-formatted Neutron Cross Section Library and Covariances based on JEFF-3.3 |
iaea1398 |
ZZ BOREHOLE-EB6.8-MG, multi group cross-section library for deterministic and Monte Carlo codes |
nea-1872 |
ZZ BUGENDF70.BOLIB, ENDF/B-VII.0 Broad-Group Coupled X Sect. Lib. for LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applic. |
nea-1866 |
ZZ BUGJEFF311.BOLIB, JEFF-3.1.1 Broad-Group Coupled X Sect Lib. for LWR Shielding & Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Applic. |
dlc-0185 |
ZZ BUGLE-96, Multigroup Coupled Neutron Gamma Cross-Section for LWR Shielding Calculation |
dlc-0210 |
ZZ CANDULIB-AECL, Burnup-Dependent ORIGEN-S Cross-Section Libraries for CANDU Reactor Fuels |
dlc-0023 |
ZZ CASK/F, 40-Group Neutron and Gamma Coupled Cross-Section for PWR Shipping Casks |
iaea1256 |
ZZ CENPL, Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library |
dlc-0042 |
ZZ CLEAR/42B, 126 Neutron-Group, 36 Gamma-Group Coupled Cross-Section in AMPX, CCCC Format, for LMFBR |
nea-1775 |
ZZ CLES, cross section library of moderator materials for low-energy neutron sources |
dlc-0271 |
ZZ COG-SUP-LIB, COG Supplemental Libraries for ENDL2011 and MCNP6.1-ENDF/B-VII. 1 |
nea-1730 |
ZZ COV-15GROUP-2006, 15-group cross section covariance matrix library |
dlc-0091 |
ZZ COVFILS, 30-Group Covariance Library from ENDF/B-5 for Sensitivity Studies |
dlc-0137 |
ZZ COVFILS-2, 74-Group Neutron Cross-Section, Scattering Matrices, Covariances for Fusion Reactors |
dlc-0028 |
ZZ CTR, 73-Group Neutron and Gamma Coupled Cross-Section for CTR Transport Calculation |
dlc-0130 |
ZZ DABL69, 46-Group Neutron, 23-Group Gamma Cross-Section in ANISN Format from ENDF/B-V |
nea-0791 |
ZZ DAMSIG84, 640-Group Damage Cross-Section Library for SAND-2 Calculation |
dlc-0030 |
ZZ DECAYREM/C, Decay Spectra Library for EXREM Calculation |
nea-1644 |
ZZ DECDC, Nuclear Decay Data Files for Dose Calculation |
dlc-0079 |
ZZ DOSDAT-2, Gamma and Electron Dose Conversion Factor Data Library for Body Organs |
dlc-0144 |
ZZ DOSEDAT-DOE, Dose-Rate Conversion Factors for External Photon, Electron Exposure |
dlc-0080 |
ZZ DRALIST, Radioactive Decay Data for Dosimetry and Hazard Assessment |
iaea1401 |
ZZ DROSG-2000, Legendre Coefficient Library for 59 monoenergetic neutron source reactions |
nea-1609 |
ZZ EAF 99, Cross Section Library for Neutron Induced Activation Materials |
nea-1606 |
ZZ ECN-BUBEBO, ECN-Petten Burnup Benchmark Book, Inventories, Afterheat |
dlc-0106 |
ZZ ECPL86, Data Library of Evaluated Charged Particle Cross-Section, Nuclides Up to Oxygen |
dlc-0208 |
ZZ ELAST2, Database of Cross Sections for the Elastic Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by Atoms |
dlc-0100 |
ZZ ELECSPEC, Electron Spectra Data Library from Fission Product Decay |
uscd0803 |
ZZ ENDF/B-IV, Evaluated Nuclear Data File Version 4 |
uscd1233 |
ZZ ENDF/B-V, Evaluated Nuclear Data File Version 5 |
dlc-0103 |
ZZ ENDL86, Evaluated Charged Particle, Neutron, Photon Cross-Section Library |
dlc-0179 |
ZZ ENDLIB, Coupled Electron and Photon Transport Library in ENDL Format |
iaea1435 |
ZZ EPICS2023, Electron Photon Interaction Cross Sections |
nea-0794 |
ZZ EURLIB, Coupled Neutron Gamma Multigroup Cross-Section Library from ENDF/B for Shielding Calculations |
iaea1364 |
ZZ FENDL-2, Evaluated Nuclear Data Library for Fusion Neutronics Applications |
dlc-0167 |
ZZ FGR-DOSE, Dose Coefficient for Intake and Exposure to Radionuclides |
nea-1822 |
ZZ FLUKA05-PRE-LIB, FLUKA05 Multi-group, multi-purpose nuclear data library, neutrons, photons, charged particles |
nea-1424 |
ZZ FSXJ32&FSXLIBJ33, MCNP nuclear data library based on JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-3.3 |
nea-1782 |
ZZ FSXLIB-JD99, MCNP nuclear data library based on JENDL Dosimetry File 99 |
nea-0878 |
ZZ GAMDAT-78, Gamma Decay Data of Radioisotopes |
dlc-0013 |
ZZ GARLIB, Multigroup Resonance Cross-Section Group Constant Library for Tungsten and Depleted Pu |
nea-1544 |
ZZ GEFF-2-MATXS, Coupled Neutron-Gamma Fusion Neutronics Library in MATXS Format |
nea-1344 |
ZZ GROUPSTRUCTURES, VITAMIN-J, XMAS, ECCO-33, ECCO2000 Standard Group Structures |
nea-1210 |
ZZ HATCHES-20, Database for radiochemical modelling |
dlc-0220 |
ZZ HILO2K, Coupled 83 Neutron, 22 Photon Group Cross Sections for Neutron Energies Up to 2 GeV for ANISN, DORT and TORT |
dlc-0119 |
ZZ HILO86, 66 Neutron, 22 Gamma Group Cross-Section Library for ANISN, DORT, MORSE |
dlc-0099 |
ZZ HUGO, Photon Interaction Data Library in ENDF-5 Format |
dlc-0146 |
ZZ HUGO-VI, Photon Interaction Data in ENDF-6 Format |
iaea1419 |
ZZ IBANDL, Ion Beam Analysis Nuclear Data Library in R33 format |
nea-1656 |
ZZ IEAF-2001, Intermediate Energy Activation File |
iaea1418 |
ZZ INDL/TSL, Thermal Neutron Scattering Data for H2O, D2O and ZrHx in ENDF-6 Format and as MCNP(X) Data Sets |
iaea1215 |
ZZ IRAN-LIB, Multigroup Neutron Gamma Cross-Section Library for 33 Elements in ANISN Format |
iaea0867 |
ZZ IRDF, Cross-Section Library and Spectra for Dosimetry Calculation in ENDF-5, ENDF-6 and ACE Formats |
nea-1853 |
ZZ JENDL-1, Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library |
nea-1624 |
ZZ JENDL/D-99, JENDL Dosimetry Cross-Sections Data Library and Graphical Representations |
nea-0796 |
ZZ JFS-V2., Cross-Sections Library 25-Groups ABBN and 70-Group JFS for Fast Reactor Calculation |
nea-1815 |
ZZ KAFAX-E70, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on ENDF/B-VII.0 for Fast Reactors |
nea-1650 |
ZZ KAFAX-F22, 80 and 24 Groups Cross-Section Library in MATXS Format Based on JEF-2.2 for Fast Reactors |
nea-1816 |
ZZ KAFAX-F31, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on JEFF-3.1 for Fast Reactors |
nea-1817 |
ZZ KAFAX-J33, 150 and 12 Groups Cross Section Library in MATXS Format based on JENDL-3.3 for Fast Reactors |
nea-1649 |
ZZ KASHIL-E6, 175 N, 42 Gamma Groups Cross Sections in MATXS Format Based on ENDF/B-VI.5 for Shielding Applications |
nea-1818 |
ZZ KASHIL-E70, 199 N, 42 Photon Groups Cross Sections in MATXS Format Based on ENDF/B-VII.0 for Shielding Applications |
dlc-0142 |
ZZ KERMAL, Neutron and Gamma Kerma Library from ENDL and EGDL |
dlc-0021 |
ZZ KXRAY, X-Ray Attenuation Cross-Section Library from 0.1 KeV to 1 MeV |
dlc-0168 |
ZZ LA100, ENDF Format Data Library for Neutron and Protons Up to 100 MeV |
dlc-0040 |
ZZ LIB-IV, 50-Group Cross-Section Library in CCCC-III Format from ENDF/B-IV for Fast Reactors |
dlc-0029 |
ZZ MACKLIB, Nuclear Response Function Library for CTR and Hybrid Fission Fusion System Materials |
dlc-0060 |
ZZ MACKLIB-4, 171-Neutron, 36-Gamma Group Response Function Library from ENDF/B-IV |
nea-1740 |
ZZ MATJEF22.BOLIB, JEF-2.2 Multigr Coupled (199n + 42gamma) X-Section Lib. in MATXS Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applications |
nea-1847 |
ZZ MATJEFF31.BOLIB, JEFF-3.1 Multigr Coupled(199n + 42gamma) X-Section MATXS Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applications |
nea-1205 |
ZZ MATX175/42-JEFF87, 172 Neutron-Group, 42 Gamma-Group MATXS Library in VITAMIN-J Structure |
dlc-0176 |
ZZ MATXS10, 30-Group Neutron, 12-Group Gamma Cross-Sections in MATXS Format from ENDF/B-VI |
dlc-0177 |
ZZ MATXS11, 80-Group Neutron, 24-Group Gamma Cross-Section in MATXS Format from ENDF/B-VI |
nea-1206 |
ZZ MATXS70-JEFF87, 69+1 Group MATXS Library in WIMS BOXER Structure |
nea-1707 |
ZZ MATXSLIBJ33,JENDL-3.3 based,175 N-42 photon groups (VITAMIN-J) MATXS lib. for discrete ordinates multi-group |
nea-1668 |
ZZ MCB-EAF99, MCB Continuous-Energy Neutron Cross Section Libraries for Temperatures from 300 to 1800 K. |
nea-1669 |
ZZ MCB-ENDF/B6.8, MCB Continuous-Energy Neutron Cross Section Libraries for Temperatures from 300 to 1800 K. |
nea-1667 |
ZZ MCB-JEF2.2, MCB Continuous-Energy Neutron Cross Section Libraries for Temperatures from 300 to 1800 K. |
nea-1670 |
ZZ MCB-JENDL-3.2, MCB Continuous-Energy Neutron Cross Section Libraries for Temperatures from 300 to 1800 K. |
nea-1655 |
ZZ MCB63NEA.BOLIB, MCNP Cross Section Library Based on ENDF/B-VI Release 3 |
nea-1616 |
ZZ MCJEF22NEA.BOLIB, MCNP Cross Section Library Based on JEF-2.2 |
nea-1768 |
ZZ MCJEFF3.1NEA, MCNP Neutron Cross Section Library based on JEFF3.1 |
nea-1651 |
ZZ MCLIB-E6, Continuous Energy Cross Section Library from ENDF/B-VI.5 for MCNP-4A, -4B, 300K, 600K, 900K |
iaea1376 |
ZZ MENDL-2P, Proton Medium Energy Nuclear Data Library |
iaea1217 |
ZZ N-SPECT/DET-RESP, Neutron Spectra and Detector Responses for Radiation Protection |
iaea1279 |
ZZ NMF-90, Database for Neutron Spectra Unfolding |
dlc-0172 |
ZZ NUCDECAY, Nuclear Decay Data for Radiation Dosimetry Calculation for ICRP and MIRD |
dlc-0202 |
ZZ NUCDECAYCALC, Nuclear Decay Data for Radiation Dosimetry Calculation for ICRP |
nea-1642 |
ZZ ORIGEN2.2-UPJ, A complete package of ORIGEN2 libraries based on JENDL-3.2 and JENDL-3.3 |
dlc-0038 |
ZZ ORYX-E, Group Constant Library from ENDF/B Fission Product Data for ORIGEN Calculation |
iaea1423 |
ZZ PADF-2007, Proton Activation Data File in ENDF-6 format |
dlc-0236 |
ZZ PHOBIA, Photon Buildup Factors to Account for Angular Incidence on Shield Walls |
dlc-0136 |
ZZ PHOTX, Photon Interaction Cross-Section Library for 100 Elements |
nea-1868 |
ZZ PIXE2010, Proton/Alpha Ionization (K,L,M shell) Tabulated Cross-Section Library |
iaea1235 |
ZZ PNESD, Diffusion Elastic Scattering Cross-Section of 3 MeV to 1000 MeV Proton on Natural Isotopes |
iaea1409 |
ZZ POINT-2004, Linearly Interpolable ENDF/B-VI.8 Data for 13 Temperatures |
iaea1421 |
ZZ POINT-2007, linearly interpolable ENDF/B-VII.0 data for 14 temperatures |
iaea1430 |
ZZ POINT-2009, a Temperature Dependent ENDF/B-VII.0 Cross Section Library |
iaea1441 |
ZZ POINT-2021, ENDF/B-VIII.0 Temperature Dependent Cross Section Library |
dlc-0212 |
ZZ POINT2000, Linearly Interpolable ENDF/B-VI.7 Data for 8 Temperatures |
dlc-0247 |
ZZ POINT2011, Linearly Interpolable ENDF/B-VII.1 Beta2 Cross-Section Library for 13 Temperatures |
dlc-0192 |
ZZ POINT97, Temperature-Dependent ENDF/B-6 Cross-Sections at 8 Temperature Between 0K and 2100K |
dlc-0196 |
ZZ PR-EDB, Power Reactor Embrittlement Database |
iaea1277 |
ZZ PRONDOS, Evaluations of Selected Neutron Activation Reactions for Dosimetry |
dlc-0126 |
ZZ PVE, 38-Group P8 Photon Cross-Section Library for Gamma Radiation Transport |
nea-1607 |
ZZ PWR-AXBUPRO-GKN, Measured Axial Burnup Profiles, NPP Neckarewstheim |
uscd1219 |
ZZ PWR-AXBUPRO-SNL, Computed Axial Burnup Profile Database for PWR |
dlc-0134 |
ZZ RADDECAY, Decay Data Library for Radiological Assessment |
dlc-0055 |
ZZ RECOIL/B, Heavy Charged Particle Recoil Spectra Library for Radiation Damage Calculation |
nea-1545 |
ZZ RFL-2-DTF, Group Constant Library of Reaction Cross-Section, Gas Production, KERMA, DPA |
iaea1365 |
ZZ RIPL & ZZ RIPL-2, Parameter Library for Nuclear Model Calculations |
iaea1407 |
ZZ RRDF-98, Cross-sections and covariance matrices for 22 neutron induced dosimetry reactions |
dlc-0076 |
ZZ SAILOR, 47 Neutron-20 Gamma-Group Coupled Cross-Section Library from VITAMIN-C by AMPX |
nea-1185 |
ZZ SCALE-LIB, Neutron-Group Constants Library from JEF-1 Using NPTXS, XLACS, XLACS-2 Programs |
uscd1236 |
ZZ SCALE5.1/COVA-44G ZZ SCALE6.0/COVA-44G, 44-group X-section covariance matrix lib. Extracted from SCALE5.1 and 6.0 |
dlc-0045 |
ZZ SENPRO/45C, Multigroup Sensitivity Library for Fast Reactors, Thermal Reactors |
nea-1854 |
ZZ SERPENT117-ACELIB, Continuous-energy X-sec lib., radioactive decay, fission yield data for SERPENT in ACE |
dlc-0135 |
ZZ SHAMSI, Coupled 43-Neutron 14-Gamma P3 Cross-Section Library for Fusion Blanket or Shield Calculations |
dlc-0139 |
ZZ SIGMA-A, Photon Interaction and Absorption Cross-Section Library |
dlc-0093 |
ZZ SKYPORT, Importance Function for Neutron and Gamma for Skyshine Dose from Accelerator |
dlc-0178 |
ZZ SNLRML, Dosimetry Cross-Section Recommendations |
dlc-0015 |
ZZ STORM-ISRAEL, Gamma Interaction Cross-Section Library in ENDF/B Format for Transport |
iaea0865 |
ZZ TEMPEST/MUFT, Thermal Neutron and Fast Neutron Multigroup Cross-Section Library for Program LEOPARD |
nea-1837 |
ZZ TENDL-2008-ACE, TENDL-2008 based library for neutrons, protons, deuterons, tritons, helions, alpha and gammas |
iaea1399 |
ZZ TH-N-CAPTURE-RI&G, Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Sections Resonance Integrals and G-Factors |
nea-1674 |
ZZ TH232-UNIBO, Th-232 cross section data for MCNP |
dlc-0140 |
ZZ THERMGAM, Thermal Neutron Capture Gamma Spectroscopical Data Library |
dlc-0088 |
ZZ TPASGAM-85, Gamma Spectra Data Library for Activation Analysis |
nea-1883 |
ZZ TSL-ACE/2013, Thermal Scattering Libraries processed to ACE format |
nea-0899 |
ZZ UKCNDL-82, Chemical Nuclear Data Library of Fission and Decay Reactions in ENDF Format |
nea-0642 |
ZZ UKCTR-1, Cross-Section Library for Neutron Flux and Neutron Reaction Rates in CTR Calculation |
nea-0680 |
ZZ UKCTRIIIA, Neutron Cross-Section Data Library for Fusion Reactor Materials Activation |
nea-1390 |
ZZ UKFY2, Fission Yields of Th, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Cf Isotopes |
dlc-0164 |
ZZ UNGER, Effective Dose Equivalent Data for Selected Isotopes |
dlc-0211 |
ZZ UTXS6, MCNP Continuous-Energy Neutron Cross Section Libraries for Temperatures from 300 to 1365 K. |
dlc-0256 |
ZZ VIP-MAN, Computational Phantom |
nea-1264 |
ZZ VITAMIN J/COVA, Covariance Matrix Data Library for Uncertainty Analysis |
dlc-0184 |
ZZ VITAMIN-B6, Fine-Group Cross-Section Library from ENDF/B-VI.3 for Radiation Transport |
dlc-0041 |
ZZ VITAMIN-C, 171 Neutron-Group, 36 Gamma-Group Coupled Cross-Section for Fusion, LMFBR Calculations |
dlc-0113 |
ZZ VITAMIN-E, 174-Group Neutron, 38-Group Gamma Cross-Section in AMPX Format |
nea-1168 |
ZZ VITAMIN-J/KERMA, Gas Production Cross-Sections, Neutron and Gamma Kerma in FOURACES Format |
dlc-0245 |
ZZ VITAMINB7/BUGLEB7, Broad-Grp, Fine-Grp, Coupled N/Gamma Cross-Sec Lib derived from ENDF/B-VII.0 Nuclear Data |
nea-1870 |
ZZ VITENDF70.BOLIB, ENDF/B-VII.0 Multi-Grp Coupled (199n +42gamma) AMPX Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applications |
nea-1702 |
ZZ VITENEA-E, AMPX 174-N,38-gamma multigroup X-sec.library for multidimensional radiation transport and dose evaluation |
nea-1703 |
ZZ VITENEA-J, AMPX 175-N,42-gamma multigroup X-sect. library for nuclear fusion applications |
nea-1699 |
ZZ VITJEF22.BOLIB, JEF-2.2 Multigr Coupled (199n + 42gamma) X-Section Lib. in AMPX Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applications |
nea-1801 |
ZZ VITJEFF31.BOLIB,JEFF-3.1 Multigr Coupled (199n + 42gamma) X-Section Lib. in AMPX Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applications |
nea-1869 |
ZZ VITJEFF311.BOLIB, JEFF-3.1.1 Multi-Group Coupled (199n + 42gamma) X-Sec Lib in AMPX Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applic. |
nea-1891 |
ZZ VITJEFF32.BOLIB, JEFF-3.2 Multi-Grp Coupled (199n+ 42gamma) X-Sec. Lib. In AMPX Fmt for Nuclear Fission Applications |
nea-1518 |
ZZ WIMKAL-88, 69-Group KAERI WIMS Library for Thermal Reactors |
iaea1397 |
ZZ WIMS-D/4LIB, 61, 64, 69, 76 and 79 energy groups WIMS-D/4 libraries |
nea-1207 |
ZZ WIMS-LIB/JEF87, 69+1 Group WIMS-D Library from JEF-1 |
dlc-0026 |
ZZ WM-NRSM, Neutron and Gamma Group Cross-Section Library for Nuclear Rocket Shielding Calculations |
nea-1610 |
ZZ WPNCS BENCHM REP, Published Articles and Reports on Criticality Safety |
dlc-0174 |
ZZ XCOM, Photon Cross-Section Library for Personal Computer |
iaea1257 |
ZZ XG, Radionuclide Decay Parameters for Gamma and X-Ray Detector Calibration |
nea-1787 |
ZZ-CRYO-S(A,B)-ACE1, Scattering law and continuous energy cross section library of materials at cryogenic temperatures |