The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Since 1992, ISOE has provided a forum for radiological protection professionals from nuclear licensees and national regulatory authorities worldwide to share dose reduction information and operational experience aiming to improve the optimisation of radiological protection at nuclear power plants.
As of 31 December 2019, the ISOE programme included 76 participating licensees (348 operating and 69 shutdown nuclear power units, as well 11 units under construction and/or commissioning) and 28 regulatory authorities in 31 countries. The ISOE database gathers occupational exposure information for a total of 501 units, covering over 88% of the world’s operating commercial power reactors.
While ISOE is well known for its occupational exposure data and analyses, the programme’s strength comes from its objective to share such information broadly among its participants. This 29th Annual Report of the Information System on Occupational Exposure presents the status of the ISOE programme for the calendar year 2019. The report includes global occupational exposure data and analyses collected and accomplished in 2019, as well as information on the programme achievements and principle events in participating countries.