The Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) believes in the importance of having a working group dedicated to safety culture. The Working Group on Safety Culture (WGSC) provided a senior-level regulatory forum for exchanging information and experiences and engaged in work to ensure that the safety culture of the regulatory body and wider interconnected system have a positive impact on safety.
The WGSC focused on practical steps that can be taken regarding issues such as the effective implementation of the characteristics and culture of an effective regulatory body as well as other matters regarding safety culture. It did so by considering behaviours, perceptions and attitudes that make up the culture of the regulatory body within national, historical and geographical contexts. This group also considered the effects caused by the interactions of the regulatory body in terms of what regulatory programmes, approaches and capabilities might be required to encourage enhanced safety culture in licensee organisations. In short, WGSC activities focused on:
In 2021, the WGSC published its first major report entitled Methods for Assessing and Strengthening the Safety Culture of the Regulatory Body. This report further explores some of the key elements presented in The Safety Culture of an Effective Regulatory Body (2016), commonly known as the NEA Green Booklet, and provides both an overview and practical information on the methods and tools used by regulatory bodies to assess their own safety culture and to build safety culture competence and awareness. The NEA encourages regulatory bodies to use this report as a reference for reviewing and improving their activities to foster and enhance a healthy safety culture. Finally, the report proposes ten conclusions to inspire managers to develop and sustain efforts to maintain a healthy safety culture within the regulatory body.
The activities of this Working Group are completed.
Contact: Florence Maher
WGSC members' area (password protected | reminder)