The Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) focuses on the NEA activities related to potential design-basis and beyond design-basis accidents in nuclear reactors and related...
Passive thermal-hydraulic systems are widely used in nuclear reactor safety and design. For example, primary circuits in existing boiling and pressurised water reactors are designed to take advantage...
PERSEO was built at SIET laboratory (Piacenza, Italy) to study a new passive decay heat removal system operating in natural circulation. The main innovation in PERSEO is the presence of two pools con...
NEA Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA) held its annual meeting, hosted by the CEA and atttended by nearly 90 delegates from 19 member countries, along with representati...
Panda facility under construction. Photo courtesy of the Paul Scherrer Institute
The main objective of the first phase of the Hydrogen Mitigation Experiments fo...
The main mission of the Working Group on Fuel Safety (WGFS) is to advance the current understanding and address cross-cutting issues related to fuel behaviour in accident conditions, including work o...
NEA CFD-Task Group members discussed ongoing activities at a meeting hosted on 11-12 July 2024.
CSNI and CNRA meetings took place on 4-7 June.
BEPU 2024 conference took place in Italy.
New NEA nuclear safety joint project 'Pool during Loss of Cooling Accident' (POLCA) launched during a meeting of 40 international experts on 9-10 April, 2024. (Photo: Large scale MIDI facility at IRS...