The report builds on the Country-Specific Safety Culture Forum organised in Tokyo in December 2023.
A healthy safety culture has long been considered essential to maintaining high levels of nuclear safety. Although safety goals across countries are similar, the operational realities vary due to a r...
Country-specific Safety Culture Forum (CSSCF) Japan was initiated in late 2022, with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO), the Federation of Electric Power C...
Members of the NEA Working Group on Leadership and Safety Culture (WGLSC) discussed ongoing activities at a meeting in Budapest.
L’un des nombreux enseignements tirés au sujet de la sûreté nucléaire au fil du temps est que les aspects humains sont tout aussi importants que les enjeux techniques de l’exploitation nucléaire. Si ...
One of the many lessons learnt about nuclear safety over the years has been that human aspects of nuclear safety are as important as any technical issue that may arise. The international nuclear comm...
The NEA established the Country-Specific Safety Culture Forum (CSSCF) to examine how nuclear safety culture can be influenced by the national cultural context of a country operating nuclear facilitie...
Human aspects of nuclear energy and waste management were in focus during a recent mission to the US at the Waste Management Symposia in Arizona and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission's 36th Annual...
Most safety incidents are often not due to a technical fault or the actions of a single individual, but rather originate in a compromised safety culture – the collection of the beliefs, perceptions a...