Passive thermal-hydraulic systems are widely used in nuclear reactor safety and design. For example, primary circuits in existing boiling and pressurised water reactors are designed to take advantage...
Events explored financing challenges and the potential of SMRs in the Arctic.
The OECD NEA and the Government of Sweden announced a new collaboration on a system cost study of the Swedish electricity and energy system.
The new agreement will bring together like-minded countries to advance new build projects.
This publication on small modular reactors (SMRs) for mining is the first of a series of NEA case studies that assess the opportunities and challenges for SMRs to support decarbonisation of hard-to-a...
The OECD NEA and the Ministry for Climate and Enterprise of Sweden will co-host Roadmaps to New Nuclear 2024.
The second Roadmaps to New Nuclear conference will bring together government and industry representatives to Paris in September 2024.
MDEP organised a brainstorming workshop on LW-SMMR.
Increasing the contribution of nuclear energy to global production of electricity provides a practical pathway toward reaching ambitious net zero carbon emission targets. The value of nuclear energy ...